

$129.95 Izpārdošana Saglabāt

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Lai gan kompaktā izmēra, pr2000 var izdot 2000 lūmenus par savu maksimālo spilgtumu un pārvērst nakti dienā jūsu nakts braucienā. Tā ir daudzpusīga gaisma, kas lieliska taku braukšanai, ceļu un grants braukšanai ar augstu un zemu staru dizainu un runtime displeju. Uzlabotais bezvadu tālvadības slēdzis nodrošina labāku gaismas kontroli dažādās braukšanas vidēs. Ar akumulatora izpildes laika pagarinājumu gaisma ir gatava arī tālu distanču velosipēdu sacīkstēm.

Nodrošina plašu tuva diapazona prožektoru ar pretapžilbināšanas tuvajām gaismām braukšanai, bez apžilbināšanas un atspīdumiem pretimbraucējiem un gājējiem

Nodrošina līdzīgu apgaismojošo gaismu automobiļu priekšējiem lukturiem ar tālu tālās gaismas un plašu pretapžilbināšanas tuvās gaismas gaismu

Parādiet katra spilgtuma līmeņa atlikušo darbības laiku uzreiz intuitīvā veidā un palīdziet izvēlēties ideālo spilgtuma līmeni

Ieslēdziet/izslēdziet gaismu un droši mainiet spilgtuma līmeņus, neatlaižot rokturi; ar vienu klikšķi, lai aktivizētu maksimālo jaudu signalizācijai vai avārijas apgaismojumam

Palieliniet akumulatora darbības laiku, pievienojot ārējam barošanas avotam avārijas apgaismojumam, kad gaismai ir mazs jaudas līmenis, nav jāuztraucas par palikšanu tumsā

Izmanto kā strāvas padevi, lai ārkārtas situācijā uzlādētu citas ar USB darbināmas digitālās ierīces

Vienmēr esiet gatavs ekstremāliem laikapstākļiem un izjādes situācijām

Produkta īpašības

1. DuaLens optiskā tuvā gaisma, kas nodrošina plašu prožektora gaismu ar robežlīniju braukšanai uz darbu un mājām, bez apžilbināšanas un atspīdumiem pretimbraucējiem un gājējiem

2. Divas gaismas diodes HiLo staru sistēmai, kas nodrošina apgaismojošu gaismu, kas ir līdzīga automobiļu priekšējiem lukturiem ar tālu un tuvām gaismām

3. LED reāllaika displejs, lai parādītu atlikušo darbības laiku katrā spilgtuma līmenī

4. Bezvadu tālvadības slēdzis ar tūlītēju maksimālo jaudu un spilgtuma regulēšanas pogām, lai viegli kontrolētu gaismu

5. Akumulatora darbības laika pagarināšana ar ārēju barošanas avotu

6. USB izeja portatīvo digitālo ierīču uzlādēšanai

7. Viedā atmiņas shēma atceras pēdējo izmantoto spilgtuma līmeni un režīmu, kad to atkal ieslēdz

8. Ātrās atbrīvošanas dizains, lai viegli iebīdītu un izvilktu

9. Savietojams ar 31,8 mm un 35 mm apaļu stūri

Tehniskās specifikācijas

LED: 2* augstas efektivitātes baltas gaismas diodes

Akumulators: 6000mAh/3.7V uzlādējams litija jonu akumulators

Izmēri (priekšējais lukturis): 100 mm (garums) * 48 mm (platums) * 27 mm (augstums)

Svars (lukturis): 214g

Materiāli: priekšpuse un galvenais korpuss ir izgatavoti no alumīnija ar Mil Type III cieto pārklājumu anodēšanu; aizmugurējā daļa un stūres stiprinājums ir izgatavoti no izturīgas plastmasas

Dizains un specifikācijas var tikt mainītas bez brīdinājuma

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Shane Yorke
“The Dark is Coming.. Are You Ready”?

Hey there, fellow cyclists! Welcome back to the channel. Today, we've got an exciting product to review - the RAVEMEN PR2000 lumen bicycle light. This is a high-performance light designed to cater to both road cycling and mountain biking needs, so if you're a rider who enjoys both disciplines, you're in for a treat.

Let's kick things off by talking about the appearance. The PR2000 has a sleek and robust design that gives it a premium feel. It's compact and lightweight, so you won't feel any extra weight on your handlebars. The build quality is top-notch, which is something we've come to expect from RAVEMEN.

Now, let's get to the most important part - the illumination. The PR2000 boasts an impressive 2000 lumens, and it doesn't disappoint. The beam pattern is well-designed with a powerful spotlight in the center and a wider flood beam, making it perfect for both road and mountain biking. The brightness can be adjusted in increments, which is incredibly useful for different scenarios.

For road cycling, the PR2000 has various settings that make it ideal for those late-night or early-morning rides. The lower settings are perfect for conserving battery life on well-lit roads, while the high-intensity settings illuminate the darkest stretches, giving you a clear view of the road ahead. The strobe mode is excellent for enhancing your visibility to other road users.

When it comes to mountain biking, the PR2000 shines (literally!). The high lumens and well-designed beam pattern light up the trail like daylight. You can see roots, rocks, and obstacles clearly, which adds to the overall safety and enjoyment of your off-road adventures. The multiple lighting modes come in handy for different terrain and riding conditions, from tight technical sections to fast descents.

Now, let's discuss battery life. The PR2000 uses a rechargeable battery, and depending on the mode you're using, you can get anywhere from 2 to 30 hours of runtime. The runtime is impressive, and you can easily check the battery status on the handlebar-mounted display, so you won't be caught off guard.

Mounting the light is a breeze with the included handlebar bracket. It's sturdy and holds the light securely in place even during bumpy rides. Plus, the quick-release feature makes it convenient to remove when you need to recharge or switch between bikes.

The PR2000 is IPX8 rated, which means it can handle wet conditions and light rain without any issues. So, you can confidently use it in various weather conditions.

In conclusion, the RAVEMEN PR2000 lumen bicycle light is a fantastic all-in-one lighting solution for both road cycling and mountain biking. Its impressive brightness, well-thought-out beam pattern, long battery life, and ease of use make it a top contender in the bike lighting market. Whether you're a roadie or a mountain biker, the PR2000 has got you covered.

If you want to take your cycling adventures to the next level, this light is definitely worth considering. Just be prepared for envious glances from your cycling buddies when you light up the trail or road with this bad boy. YouTube video placeholder

Wow! The review is so impressive, thanks for the detailed sharing!

Better than bigger brands

I have a ton of lights but the PR2400 is my favorite. Great output and good color temperature bulbs. Not the usual unusable crazy white/blue like other manufacturers. Great interface and remote. Battery life is solid. Great for MTB and road bikes.

James Thielen

Great light that works well while road, commuting or mountain biking.

John Bryant


Great light, brighter than I need

This light has been great for my bike path commute, part of which has no lighting whatsoever. I love all the settings; I use the low ones when it is light out and turn it up once it gets dark. I don't even use the "high beam/mountain biking" mode, but it is nice to know it is there. My one complaint is about the mounting- it is too wide for my handlebar and I haven't gotten a good workaround so that it doesn't sag downward.